2012-2013: Big Year

It has been awhile since I made my last post, though I need to start writing on here more often; like once a week.Let me begin this post by saying congratulations to my friends who have been able to find jobs in music! In my opinion, music is a difficult area to find a great job especially in Michigan. (Then again, I have no idea how the music job market in Michigan is). For those of you who have not landed a job yet, I am sure you'll find a job soon, and hopefully it will be a big job!Now, this school year is a huge year for me. Two years ago, I mentioned how my senior year was the big year. Well, this school year is much bigger than 2010-2011 for many reasons. I will be a G.A. for the first time ever working in the Theory Tutoring Center, I have a composition that will be performed by Kevin Noe or Kevin Sedatole and Musique 21 on February 27th at 7:30pm in the RCAH Theatre, I will apply to numerous summer institutions (not DMA schools), I will be working on a thesis for full orchestra that will also be a competitor for the MSU Honors Competition, reading sessions, and hopefully look for internships in music publishing.So essentially, this year is more of a "make it or break it", because I want to make a great impression to those who I'm working for.Some of you are wondering "Why is Michael not applying to D.M.A. schools for the 2013-2014 school year?" The truth is that I honestly do not feel confident with my portfolio. By taking one year off from school, I will have more time polishing up my portfolio, I will be able to add more to my portfolio, and I want to get into the best DMA school as possible. In addition, it be a neat experience to work at a music publishing company during the year, since I tend to be paranoid when it comes to formatting music. Sometimes, when I'm score studying a piece that was written 5-10 years ago by John Corigliano, Steven Bryant, or Michael Tillson Thomas, I leave the score wondering, "Why in the world would you do that to a dynamic, or a measure, or etc.?"


2012 Recap/Goals for 2013


Risk - Important for those who are looking for jobs