Reopening Private Studio!

Hello and Happy New Year!

After 7 years since I taught my last euphonium student, I have decided to reopen my private studio! This includes all low brass instruments, music composition, music theory, and arts administration.

What will be different this time is COVID. Yes, I am aware that we are all tired of “COVID this. COVID that.” but unfortunately it is here to stay and we must adjust. I will reassure every music educator that my practice will be suited to everyone’s safety. On my poster, you will see that I not only offer private lessons in-person, but I also offer virtual lessons as well! By offering both options, it will put parents at ease for the fact that their child will be safe through my practice.


As of January 6th, private lessons of all practices will only be offered virtually until further notice.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!’



