Habitual Metamorphosis
(2015) - fl/picc., bs cl, vc, 1 perc, and dance (opt.)
Duration ca. 5:30 minutes
Composed for the 2015 Charlotte New Music Festival. Premiered by the Great Noise Ensemble. Choreography by Breanne Horne.
Habitual Metamorphosis focuses on the concept of transition. The transition could involve many things, such as moving to a different town/state, attending graduate school, starting a new job, etc. Regardless of where the transition originated, many, if not all, transitions go through a similar process. It begins with various emotions: excitement, sadness, confusion, energy, and ultimately nervousness. Eventually, as the moment of that new event gets closer, you start to feel confident but hesitant. Then, when that moment comes up, you go for the opportunity and move forward.